My Priorities
Strong schools communicate that our community’s children are important. It also communicates that we appreciate the educators and staff who provide excellent education to our children. Strong schools contribute to a strong economy and robust property values. Building the new high school will strengthen our economy and is integral to providing our students and community with a bright future.
Climate Resiliency
Climate resiliency is a crucial part of planning for all municipal departments. Emergency preparedness means having an understanding of the challenges we now face and how best to avoid disaster. Investment in prevention is significantly less expensive than disaster clean-up. Everything from building requirements, energy usage, technology protections, insurance and asset protection is impacted. Understanding this challenge, and having a sound plan, will protect taxpayer dollars.
Economic Growth
Efficiency and streamlined communication in municipal services will optimize access to both business and public services. Our municipality already does an excellent job, but there’s always room for improvement. Our city council can help to expedite progress and keep our leadership accountable.
Smart growth, through assessing new projects and both their impact and benefits to the community, is an important part of preparing for our future. Our economic growth is an important factor which contributes to the future of our town.